4 takeaways from “The Ride of a Lifetime” — Robert Iger (Disney CEO)An amazing read recommended by Bill Gates that walks through Bob’s outstanding journey at Disney and leaves behind many leadership…Jan 7, 2021Jan 7, 2021
Import private go modules from gitlab repositoriesI’ve followed multiple solutions on the internet but the following works best for our local development, CI pipelines and SSH…Jan 8, 20201Jan 8, 20201
Published inFAUN — Developer Community 🐾Kubernetes way of management — leadership at scaleThe article briefly goes through two k8s’s design principles and compare them with the common practice of building highly performing teamsJan 6, 2020Jan 6, 2020
Published inFAUN — Developer Community 🐾How Go allows you to build a scalable systemGo simplicity and performanceJun 2, 2019Jun 2, 2019
Lean in to equalismThe article discusses some parts of the book Lean In, its relation to equalism and my thoughts on being minority in an international setup…Jan 8, 2019Jan 8, 2019
Gomock — unit testing made easyMocking is one of the popular techniques for component testing and Gomock is a library which helps streamline this process…Oct 13, 20181Oct 13, 20181